Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! (Lab 5)

This week at St.Mary's was once again a lot of fun! Overall I think that the games went well and most importantly the kids had fun....I think that us college students being enthusiastic with the theme and dressing up helps out a lot with keeping the kids on task. To read more check out my write up for Lab 5!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Crazy Kickers perform infant reflexes LIVE!

Last week and weeks before that my group and I have been working on a video relating to infant reflexes and also about CNS disorders. We decided to perform the reflexes and explain them using the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song!...We worked very hard getting lyrics together and acting them out as well! It was a lot of fun and our video turned out great!...You can view the final product right below!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween Lab! (Lab 4)

The Halloween themed lab at St. Mary's was a lot of fun!...Although it was not actually Halloween anymore, I believe that the children still enjoyed doing games that involved different aspects such as spiders, pumpkins, candy etc. With us college students being dressed up, I feel as though they gained energy from that and overall this lab was a success! Working on overhand throwing (the T trick) and catching with the students in our opening game went well and they had a lot of fun! My thoughts on my overall experiences and challenges I have faced so far at St. Mary's can be viewed here in LAB 4!
This picture is of me explaining the opening game and teaching the students how to properly overhand throw by using the technique of the T!