Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Run For THEIR Life!

Today, I ran in the Carol M. Baldwin (breast cancer survivor) 5k race, A Run For THEIR Life in Syracuse. I ran this event with my Mom in honor of my two Grandmothers who are both breast cancer survivors. This was an absolutely amazing experience and I believe that everyone should be aware of events like this so these events can keep growing and increasing in order to find a cure for such cancers like this! It was an absolutely amazing event with a great turnout and I was glad to be a part of such a special day. You can read all about this years event right HERE!...Pictured below is my Mom and I crossing the finish line, as well as My one Grandmother (survivor) ,my Mom and I before the race started.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Lab 3 (part 2) SuperHero!

During lab 3 I had more fun at St. Mary's than I have had yet! I worked with the pre-k students and they were an absolute blast. They loved the arts and crafts and stayed on task very well. They were absolutely adorable and so much fun to work with. The theme of SuperHeroes was a big hit! You can view all of the things I learned and enjoyed right here in Lab 3!

The Crazy Kickers performing Bye Bye Bye by NSYNC!

Here is a little prieview of our first video of performing NSYNC Bye Bye Bye before the next one we create! Performing this video last week in lab was a blast and turned out great!...My lab group, The Crazy Kickers only had about an hour to practice and I think we pulled together and created a pretty good music video!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lab 2

During lab 2, I had so much fun working and playing games with the students! I learned a bunch of new teaching strategies and got to work on a lot of them as well. I loved doing different dance moves and seeing how talented all these young students are! I was extremely impressed with all of their movement and locomotor skills. Some of these kids are more talented than a lot of people my age! To view what I observed and learned in the lab 2 click here!